The Easiest Cause of Ruin is Following False Friends
When I was in high school, there was a semester when I spent time with friends who felt that smoking was fine, skipping classes was fun, going to bars or night clubs was great (we were younger than 18 at that time), and not listening to parents’ advice was cool.
Skill in knowledge
“Since the time when we were born we have found ourselves surrounded
Dokmaiban Meditation Program
If you are looking for a meditation program, Dokmaiban Meditation program is your answer. We have three meditation places for you. For more information, please read the details.
The Rule of Grabbing
She questioned that even though she did not regretted in donation each time, why she lost a lot of money. What has caused her to be like that?
With False Friends, who needs enemies?
The word ‘friend’ here refers to people in whom we invest time, trust and resources
Tibetan Healing Sound Instruments Mysteriously Alter Space, Mind, Time
Inner Peace Pioneer :- Change the World with Bright Minds
All of us want our world to be peaceful. Is it good if you can do it with happy mind? Read their stories and you may want to participate in this project. Let's come to change this world better and peaceful.
What do we mean when we say ‘Associating or Mixing with a Fool’?
It can mean spending time with them at school, at work, when studying, as friends, in chat rooms, by texts
From a Barren Field #1
I was not born in time to study with the Great Master. I mainly learned about Dhammakaya Meditation from Khun Yay Ajahn.
People think they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit too because they donate money. How can I explain to them?
used to invite relatives to come to the temple to make merit, but they refused and only sent money each time. They thought that even though they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit because it’s their money. How can I explain to them?